My Girls, Inc. is a nonprofit dedicated to empowering and enriching the lives of girls, women, youth, and families in the Atlanta metro area.
Helping girls achieve their full potential without being derailed by personal issues, social issues, and environmental issues and to help their families thrive by providing the necessary supports and resources needed. To collaborate with other nonprofit organizations so that we can do more to help our community.

It’s National Domestic Violence and Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Happy October 1st! Today marks the start of National Domestic Violence and Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!! Both are equally important and impact women, men, and families as a whole. These causes are both near and dear to my heart. One because I am a survivor of domestic violence, and I have had loved ones who…
Just Start!!!
Before you begin anything you have to start! If it’s a dream, passion, lifestyle change, weight loss, or you just want to be healthier you have to start somewhere to accomplish it. Start with what you have! I’m excited about my personal journey that I’m on to becoming a healthier person mind, body, and spirit.…
Happy Fall!
Happy Fall! Fall is here!!! What a beautiful season from the colorful leaves to the cooler temperatures and everything in between. When I think of fall I think of Pumpkin Spice everything, football games, reading a good book while cuddled up in a comforting throw, Pumpkin Cheesecake, fall festivals, Apple Cider, hay rides, Thanksgiving, Turkey…